Monday, March 8, 2010


Ok, I've started this life transformation in the past few weeks. I've taken the first steps to a better financial future. I'm still looking and praying for a full time job. But I've been thinking about my physical fitness. I hate running. walk and you don't go anywhere, and I've done the whole working out at Curves and other gyms, I tend to get bored, and stop. So, up late during one of my insomniac moments I caught an infomercial about Zumba Fitness, a dance aerobics. It looks really fun and I'm thinking about ordering it. It's not TOO expensive....$60 for a whole DVD set and workout weights....but I'd like to know if anyone has attended classes or worked out to the videos before. They do hold Zumba classes around here but it's out of my price range right now.

So, let me know! I'm thinking I might order it though! I have a spare TV and DVD player in the basement, I could always hook it up down there where there is plenty of dance space!