Sunday, March 21, 2010

Give the gift of life

The sticker on my shirt clearly states, Be Nice To Me-I Gave Blood Today! My church was holding a blood drive today. A few weeks ago when they announced it I went and signed myself up for it. I had COMPLETELY forgotten about it until we pulled into the parking lot and saw the American Red Cross vans set up in the parking lot. Good thing I drank a TON of water last night! But-I forgot to eat breakfast (b/c I forgot I was giving blood!) so, during service I ran out to the foyer and grabbed 2 glasses of lemonade and a piece of pound cake.

Zach was so worried. He opted to sit vigil by my side as I gave blood instead of going to Rite Aid with Nana. He almost started crying, said he didn't feel comfortable with me giving my blood. I explained to him that I give blood because it helps people. That people have operations or get sick and need blood transfusions and that blood comes from people like me who donate it. He felt much better after I reassured him that it didn't hurt at all. The cookies that he got to eat after I was done helped a little too...