Thursday, February 25, 2010

Where is "he" already??

I've been in a funk all day now, to the point, where I'm getting mad! A poignant Sex and the City scene keeps popping into my brain. The girls are sitting around the usual table at their usual coffee shop talking about the usual relationship stuff when Charlotte blurts out, "Where is he already? I've been dating since I Was 15! I'm exhausted!" That's a "T", but not with men, with my J-O-B!

Where is it already??? I've been working since I was 15. I started working at K-Mart in the shoe department. Then went on to working summer jobs at the Saratoga Spa State Park. I worked for years at Montgomery Ward (Monkey Wards) until they closed down. I've babysat, worked as an assistant store manager in a women's clothing store, cashiered at two different gas station chains, was an auction girl at an auto auction, I even flipped burgers for Burger King for THREE WHOLE DAYS when I was 18. After my son was born I went to work for a medical billing company and worked my way through every office position there.

Then...I went back to school. At 28 I decided enough was enough. I had worked too many dead end go-nowhere don't need even a high school diploma jobs and I wanted more. I went back to school. I originally was going to go back for Nuclear Radio-technology. I was going to be the technician who gave people MRIs and cool tests like that. But when I found out that I would have to move to Buffalo for an extended amount of time, I changed my educational path. I stuck with science, got my Bachelor's in biology and decided-I'm going to be a high school teacher! I was told all throughout college that teacher's are a much needed commodity. That some 50% of the teachers are in retirement age and the schools are HURTING for good teachers. So-I went on and pursued my Masters in Education. The whole time being told-Oh, don't worry, you're a science teacher, you'll have no problems getting a job.

Unfortunately when it was time for my flower to bloom, the recession hit, the economy tanked, and the new governor (who received his post by default) decided that it would be a GREAT idea to start cutting funding towards education.

So here I am, 9 months later, working as a substitute teacher. But that's only IF I get called. January-I was called 4 times. So far this month, 5. So, here I am, with a part time job at a grocery store.

I'm frustrated.

I'm angry.

I'm depressed.

I'm still waiting...