Sunday, January 3, 2010

The first... begin blogging. I understand that I'm a late blooming blogger other than whatever blogging abilities you can have on a networking site like MySpace, but, I love starting new projects I go! And being a very outspoken individual, this might be a most perfect forum for my insights and ramblings. I did very little research in preparation for this blog. As with most things, I jumped in feet first not knowing what lies ahead, just going with the feeling that it feels right.

It is a new year. Well, technically we are 3 days into the new year. I'm not one to usually make a New Year's Resolution; as a chronic procrastinator I tend not to keep them readily. The only resolution that I've actually kept was one that I made 4 years ago. My son Zachariah had started school and was learning about health and made a tearful plea across the dinner table that I quit smoking. I started smoking when I was 17 after I graduated high school. I had told myself for years, "Oh-I'll quit when I'm 25." Then it turned into convincing myself that I would quit by the time I was 30. Well, 9 days after I turned 30 I quit smoking. It was on December 30th, I was at work, it was 2:35pm in the afternoon. I had gone out as I usually did to smoke with co-workers on a break and I had smoked the last in the pack that I had. I remember I crumpled up my empty pack and tossed it in the garbage and explained "That was my last cigarette!" I remember my friend Tiffany exclaiming "You're quitting in the middle of the day?!?" I did. I haven't had a cigarette since.

Other than that pseudo resolution I don't usually make New Year's Resolutions. I call quitting smoking a pseudo resolution since I technically resolved to quit the day before New Year's. This year I made an exception to my not make a resolution. I have resolved to spend more quality time with my son. Over the past few years I have been completely engrossed in my own schooling. I went back to school in the Fall of 2004 to finish my bachelors. I then continued and received my Master's this last Spring. So much of my daily schedule was centered around which class I was going to, what studying did I have to do for each class, what assignments are due? Now my life is consumed by...where is the job that I can get with all this education???

So, I guess this blog will just be about me. As interesting or uninteresting that may be, it is what it is. It will catalog my comings and goings, my job searches, my son's achievements, and hopefully my achievements.